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Market volatility: 3 ways to use research to your advantage

Volatility isn’t rare — it’s more often the norm. While advisors know this instinctively, clients often don’t, so volatility catches them off guard.

The ability to talk with clients about shifting market dynamics with confidence is one thing that separates great advisors from good ones. Often, that ability springs from knowing how to effectively and efficiently leverage expert research and analysis.

Quality research — and a strong research team — can make your client recommendations stand out from the competition.

“The best analysts provide timely, trusted and thorough market research. For advisors to stay ahead of the competition, they need all three.”

- Russell Price, CFA®, Senior Economist at Ameriprise Financial.
icon Provide deeper perspectives

Offering clients lasting tips for managing emotions in volatile markets is always a good idea. But with the right research partner, you can take the conversation even further.

Consider using research to help clients understand — at a deeper level — the unique forces driving today’s market volatility. Add a level of sophistication and credibility they haven’t seen before.

Start here: Compare credentials. How experienced are the research analysts you’re currently using?

“At Ameriprise Financial, a core part of my job is to share my economic insights with our advisors,” says Russell Price, CFA®, Senior Economist at Ameriprise and cited by Bloomberg Financial as a Bloomberg Best for being one of the most accurate economic forecasters in its benchmark consensus survey.1

icon Provide deeper perspectives

The broader financial picture changes daily. Automated research and content can allow you to deliver a steady drumbeat of actionable market intelligence. The speed at which you can deliver insights to clients can differentiate your practice by demonstrating responsiveness.

Start here: Compare timeliness. How responsive is your research team to daily market fluctuations?

“We pride ourselves on timeliness. We offer our advisors client-friendly market commentary, including daily automated updates, preapproved social media content and talking points. We also provide a library of primary research, available 24/7, ready whenever they need it,” says David Joy, Chief Market Strategist at Ameriprise Financial.

icon Be better prepared to talk about trends and opportunities

From interest rate fluctuations to the global economy, the right research can help spark conversations about emerging opportunities with clients.

These conversations can deepen your client relationships and help them recognize your value.

Start here: Compare research breadth. Do you have access to a broad-enough spectrum of research? Matching research more tightly to client needs can deliver the unique perspectives that spark client engagement.

Information today travels at the speed of text messages and tweets. Do you have the right market research resources and systems to allow your practice to compete at this velocity? If not, this may be the right time to explore your options.

Learn more about the research, resources and support Ameriprise can offer you and call 866.806.9984.

1Q1 2018 Bloomberg Financial, Russell Price is ranked 6th in the world.