Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I seeing this page and is it safe?

You are seeing this page because — for your security — Ameriprise needs to verify your identity before authorizing a download of your Ameriprise® accounts to Quicken.

This page is owned by Ameriprise and utilizes the same safeguards we use to protect your privacy and security throughout our website.

Important Notice: Quicken currently has a 30-character password limit.  If you wish to pass your Ameriprise data to Quicken, make sure your Ameriprise password is 30-characters or less. If needed, you can log in and change your password on your Ameriprise profile page.

How does the verification process work?

When you enter your User ID and Password on this page, Ameriprise will run a systems check to verify your identity. The check will only take a few minutes to complete.

Once verification is complete, you will be instructed to close the Ameriprise window, return to Quicken and complete your Quicken activity within 30 minutes. If you do not complete your Quicken activity within 30 minutes, you will need to repeat the verification process.

What if I don't want to verify my identity for Quicken use?

In order to use Quicken's Direct Connect download method, you must complete the verification process. For help with the verification process, please call customer service at 1(800) 862-7919.

Will I have to verify my identity every time I use Quicken?

For most clients, verification is a one-time process. However, you may be required to complete the verification process more than once if you:

  • Run Quicken on multiple computers
  • Use multiple Quicken files
  • Use multiple versions of Quicken