Guide to retirement distribution planning: rules, strategies and taxation
When it’s time to withdraw money from your employer plans and IRAs, understanding the distribution rules and learning about retirement distribution planning strategies can help you make informed choices.

To cover essential and lifestyle expenses in your retirement, you'll likely begin drawing some income from your retirement accounts.
However, before you begin withdrawing funds, it's important to do some planning to understand the rules governing retirement plan distributions.
What are the rules for retirement plan distributions? When can I take distributions?
To take distributions from most 401(k), 403(b), 457(b) and profit- sharing plans, you generally must wait until you leave your job (separate from service) after age 55 or until you reach age 59 ½. You do not need a triggering event to take money from an IRA.
What is the penalty for early withdrawals?
A 10% IRS penalty may apply to taking early distributions from most retirement plans. Note: 457(b) plans don't carry this penalty.
Retirement plan |
Early withdrawal penalties |
Roth IRA |
401(k), 403(b), Profit Sharing |
457(b) |
Designated Roth accounts |
1 For certain public safety workers in governmental plans, corrections officers and private sector firefighters, the penalty is waived if separation occurs in the year you turn 50 or older or if you have 25 years of service or more in the plan. 457(b) plans are not subject to the 10% penalty.
When do required minimum distribution (RMD) rules apply?
IRA plans require that you start taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) by April 1 of the year following the calendar year you reach your RMD age, regardless of whether you remain employed. If you have an employer plan and are not a 5% or greater owner, you may be able to delay RMDs until you retire.
The current RMD age is 73. In 2033, the RMD age is set to increase to 75 for individuals born in 1960 or later. These distributions are based on your life expectancy and your account balance at the end of the previous year. RMDs are usually taxable, and there is an excise tax penalty that may apply if you skip them or take less than the required amount.
Retirement account |
RMD rules |
Roth IRA |
401(k), 403(b), Profit Sharing |
457(b) |
Designated Roth accounts |
Retirement plan |
Taxation of distributions |
Note: If both pre- and after-tax contributions have been made, distributions must be reported by the taxpayer proportionally. |
Roth IRA |
401(k), 403(b), Profit Sharing,457(b) |
Designated Roth accounts |
Guided help with retirement distribution planning
Deciding how and when to take distributions from your retirement plans is an important decision for many retirees. An Ameriprise financial advisor can help you evaluate your options and decide on an approach that appropriately serves your particular needs.
Or, request an appointment online to speak with an advisor.
At Ameriprise, the financial advice we give each of our clients is personalized, based on your goals and no one else's.
If you know someone who could benefit from a conversation, please refer me.
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