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Working with my advisor

Total View account aggregation service

Total View lets you organize your accounts through the secure site on so you and your advisor can view your overall financial picture at a glance.

Because your advisor can view the accounts you add, they have a better understanding of your financial picture as they work to deliver more holistic advice in your ongoing relationship.

Not enrolled yet? Start adding accounts today, or contact your advisor to learn more about the benefits.

Already enrolled? Go to Total View.

Frequently asked questions

Does it cost anything to use Total View?

Total View is a free service available to registered clients using the secure site on

How do I enroll and start adding accounts?

To enroll, go to Total View. Read and agree to the Total View Terms & Conditions. Select Add an Account to start connecting your accounts from other financial institutions, or select Add Manual Account to add an asset or liability that isn’t connected to a financial institution.

Is my financial data secure in Total View?

We understand protecting your assets and identity is important and have safeguards in place to help keep your accounts safe and secure. We use multiple layers of security to protect both your financial and personal information. We provide bank-grade security and verification processes. The credentials you provide and the data from your accounts are encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. Visit our Privacy, Security & Fraud Center for more information.

What types of accounts and financial data can I add?

Examples of account and financial data you can add:

  • Investments: Brokerage accounts, 529 education savings plans
  • Banking: Checking, savings, certificate of deposit, money market
  • Retirement: 401(k), 403(b), 457, IRAs (Traditional, Roth, Simple or SEP), profit sharing plan, deferred compensation plan, employee stock option plan
  • Insurance: Term life, universal life, whole life
  • Annuities

Examples of credit or liability accounts

  • Credit cards
  • Mortgages
  • Loans: Auto, home equity, personal, student
  • Lines of credit: home equity line of credit, personal line of credit

You can also manually add assets and liabilities that are not connected to a financial institution:

  • Real estate (estimated market values provided by Zillow)
  • Automobiles
  • Boats
  • Jewelry
  • Accounts payable
  • Loans
How do I update a manually added account?

Go to the Manually Added Accounts section on the Accounts page and either:

  • Select the name of the account you would like to edit. Once selected, choose Edit Account Details to update the value.
  • Select Manage Accounts. Once selected, click the Edit Pen Icon by the account you would like to edit to update the value.
What if I can't find my financial institution?

Try searching for the URL for the institution instead of the name (i.e., if you can't find Fifth Third bank, try searching for its URL, ""). If you still can't find your financial institution, it may not be among the 18,000 U.S.-based financial institutions we can currently connect to. If you don’t see your financial institution, contact Customer Service at 800.862.7919 to request that it be added.

What can I do if I'm having trouble answering my institution's security questions?
  • Double-check your answers, which might be case-sensitive.
  • Read the questions carefully. Sometimes banks have a series of questions that they select randomly to ask during a login session.
  • If you've forgotten the answers to your questions, try logging in to the institution site to retrieve or reset them.
  • Answer the challenge questions quickly. Many institutions have security features that will end your session if the answers to their challenge questions are not provided within a few minutes.
How can I refresh my accounts with the most current data?

Connected accounts will begin updating when you log in and navigate to the Total View dashboard. The refresh may take some time to complete. When the refresh has finished, a progress bar will display a success message. You can continue to use the secure site on while the refresh is in progress.

Accounts that are not connected to a financial institution must be updated manually. (See "How do I update a manually added account?")

How often will my accounts refresh?

All connected accounts will begin updating when you log in and navigate to the Total View dashboard. Go to Accounts in Total View and click on an account to see when it was last updated.

How do I change the nicknames of my Ameriprise accounts?

To edit an Ameriprise account nickname, go to the Nickname Accounts page. Taking the time to nickname accounts can make managing multiple accounts easier.

What does a negative number mean in my liabilities and assets?

Dollar values for both assets and liabilities will generally show up as positive values. In some cases, you might see a negative number when an asset is overdrawn, such as an overdrawn checking account, or when a liability is overpaid, such as an overpaid credit card.

What are account alerts and how do I fix them?

There are two types of alerts in Total View — account alerts and institution alerts.

Account alerts that need your attention

  • What they are: These are alerts that require you to update some information from your financial institution. Examples are when you've changed your username or password for your financial institution and you need to update it in Total View, or if you have closed an account and need to delete it from Total View.
  • What you can do: Select the Fix This button and follow instructions to update your information. If that doesn’t work, log out and then back in to the secure site on If that does not fix the problem, contact Customer Service at 800.862.7919.

Financial institution alerts for connection problems

  • What they are: These are alerts when your data cannot be updated due to a technical issue with our system or your financial institution's website.
  • What you can do: Connection problems may be resolved the same day but it can take longer. If this is the first time the connection error has occurred, log out of the secure site on and then log back in. If this problem continues for several days, contact Customer Service at 800.862.7919 for more information.
How do I remove an account from Total View?

Go to the Accounts page in Total View, select Manage Accounts under the financial institution containing your account, then select the trash icon next to the account you would like to remove. Alternatively, select an account name to open its Account Details page. On this page, select Remove Account.

How do I unenroll from Total View?

Go to Account Settings in your Profile, then select Unenroll from Total View in the Total View section. You will receive an email confirmation once you are unenrolled.

Note: When you unenroll from Total View, account information and credentials you previously entered will be removed from the Total View display. If you re-enroll at a later date, you will need to re-enter this information for each account.

How do I find my Total View Client ID?

Your Total View Client ID is available on the Account Alerts page.

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