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Kinecta Federal Credit Union selects Ameriprise Financial Institutions Group as its new wealth management program partner. Learn more


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Comprehensive advice, planning and investment solutions

Our unique approach to financial advice reflects a commitment to deliver what clients want most – goal-based advice, anytime access and a personal relationship.

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Consistent, referable client experience

Our client experience is deeply rooted in consumer research and validated by high client satisfaction.

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Best-in-class technology

Industry leading technology meets and anticipates clients’ needs and drives growth and efficiencies in your program.

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Innovative approach to driving growth

Unparalleled expertise in recruiting high-quality, high-producing advisors and tailored coaching to help them succeed.

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The right partner can make all the difference

We stand tall as one of the strongest financial services firms in the industry.

Ameriprise Financial is a longstanding leader in financial planning and advice and has proudly helped generations of individuals and families stay on track to achieve their long-term financial goals.

We are committed to doing the same for your clients and members.

Financial institution leaders share the value of their partnership with Ameriprise Financial

* Ameriprise Financial Services has a partnership with these financial institutions to provide financial planning services and solutions to clients. The financial institutions are not investment clients of Ameriprise but have a revenue sharing relationship with us that creates a conflict of interest. Details on how we work together can be found on ameriprise.com/sec-disclosure

The Bank Insurance & Securities Association issued the 2024 BISA Technology Innovation Award to recognize the advancement of the financial services industry's products, services and platforms through technology innovation. The BISA Awards Committee, comprised of members of the BISA Board of Directors, evaluated submissions based on the product/service advancement of the financial services industry. The Ameriprise Financial Institutions Group received the 2024 BISA Technology Innovation Award for eMeeting technology. Ameriprise did not pay a fee to be evaluated nor promote this recognition. For more information, visit https://www.bisanet.org/page/TechnologyAward.

Ameriprise Financial cannot guarantee future financial results.

Investment products are not insured by the FDIC, NCUA or any federal agency, are not deposits or obligations of, or guaranteed by any financial institution, and involve investment risks including possible loss of principal and fluctuation in value.

Investment advisory products and services are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC, a registered investment adviser.

Securities offered by Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC. Member FINRA and SIPC.