
Client Relationship Guide

Understanding your relationship with Ameriprise Financial and your financial advisor

Welcome to Ameriprise Financial

We're honored you chose Ameriprise Financial to help plan your confident financial future.

The information provided is here to help you get the most out of your ongoing relationship with us as well as understand our company and what we offer. This regularly-updated information can be accessed anywhere at any time from your smartphone, computer or mobile devices.

What to expect from us

We're committed to working together to help you feel more confident, connected and in control of your financial life.

Please reach out to your financial advisor with any questions. They're here to help.

We listen

We take the time to understand what's most important to you — to get to know your financial priorities and goals — now and throughout our relationship with you.

We provide one to one financial advice based on your goals and needs

  • Our approach is based on sound financial principles and a full view of your needs.
  • We go beyond the numbers to understand your needs and provide you with clear actions you can take to help you achieve your goals and feel more confident about the future.
  • We provide personalized financial advice, taking into account your objectives, time horizon, risk tolerance and other factors.

We have a long-term focus on your goals

  • The ongoing relationship between you and your advisor is at the heart of what we do. It's key to helping you track your progress and adapting to changes in your life.
  • We regularly reach out to you with meaningful information and ideas.
  • We offer certain fee-waiver programs to recognize your financial progress and success.
  • We provide anytime access to your investment and digital tools to help you stay on track.

We offer a variety of product solutions designed to meet your unique needs

We believe every client should have access to a comprehensive and competitive selection of products that provide:

  • A thoughtful approach to managing your cash flow, including solutions for saving, spending and borrowing
  • Confidence in your investment strategies — tailored and flexible to address your particular needs
  • Protection for the things that matter most
  • More control over taxes and what you leave to your heirs
  • Learn more by reviewing the Client Relationship Summary

We provide full and clear information

You can expect us to be upfront and accurate, offering comprehensive information in all areas, including:

  • The benefits, material risks and costs of the financial solutions we recommend
  • Timely transaction confirmations, account statements and other communications from us, with your choice of paper or electronic delivery for the majority of materials
  • Full details of costs associated with our services and the costs related to individual transactions, including commissions, sales charges (or loads) and other fees
  • Descriptions of our policies and practices for the collection, use and safeguarding of your nonpublic personal information
  • Information about any significant conflicts of interest related to the financial relationship between you and Ameriprise Financial or your financial advisor

We are committed to quality service

  • We make it easy to work with us by doing our best to anticipate your needs and provide you with intuitive, flexible ways to find what you need.
  • You can expect fair, ethical and respectful treatment in all interactions with us.
  • You can work with the financial advisor of your choice. If you are ever dissatisfied with the service you receive, you can request a different financial advisor by calling Customer Service at 800.862.7919.
  • You can expect fair consideration and a prompt response from us if you experience an issue or have a concern. If, for any reason, any issue or concern is not resolved to your complete satisfaction, you should contact your financial advisor right away. If the issue or concern is still not settled to your satisfaction, call the number above or follow the additional steps outlined here.